Muthuwarusawak Wahela Chords
Clarence Wijewardana
Last Played 24/03/2025 15:52
Play Count 566 Contributor: J Keerthiratne
Play Count 566 Contributor: J Keerthiratne
View +60 more Clarence Wijewardana Chords
Chord Diagrams for 'Muthuwarusawak Wahela' song:
[Intro] ----------------- |C |- |F |C | |Am |C |G |C | |C |Dm |C |G | |C | [Chorus] ----------------- C F Muthu warusawak wahela..... G G7 C Netha apage bendunu dine C Dm Bb Obai mamai jeewithaye C Dm G C Suwayak lada e sonduru dine.... [Chorus] ----------------- C F Bindu bindu wehi wetuna..... G C Sewana soya netha aduna C7 F Dm Denethe deka aaradana C G G7 C Oba ma asalata aadine [Chorus] ----------------- C F Netha bendu ru eda obage.... G C Sitha aadaren bendi thibuna C7 F Dm Muthu warusawak maawathe C G G7 C Senehasa handunai jeewithe
60 More Songs by Clarence Wijewardana:
Muthuwarusawak Wahela Lyrics:

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